Friday, June 12, 2015

Back to posting: Seastar Video

It has been a long time. Here, to get things rolling again, is an awesome little video (with English subtitles) that SDU made about the discovery my students made (unexpectedly) and my friends and I helped them publish. The part at the end where the starfish squeezes out the tag through its skin in slow motion is pretty damn cool.

Olsen, T. B., Christensen, F. E. G., Lundgreen, K., Dunn, P. H., & Levitis, D. A. (2015). Coelomic Transport and Clearance of Durable Foreign Bodies by Starfish (Asterias rubens). The Biological Bulletin, 228(2), 156-162.

If you want to hear more about this process and how awesome my students are, see this post and this post and this post.  Oh, and especially this post here.


  1. Very cool! Both from the basic knowledge standpoint and for student discovery!

  2. This really works, its mazing what I discovered
