The world is full of science that only half exists:
Experiments done but not written up, manuscripts waiting for revision, results
too unimpressive to prioritize for publication. Where fetuses are gestated for
months but born in hours, data sets often take longer to put out into the world
than they took to create. Until it is published, academic research is only a
nascent fluffy squishy wispy gelatinous downy larval effervescent ephemeral eufloccinaucinihilipilificatable
translucent apparition, neither seen nor heard nor here nor there. Once
published, research gains visibility, permanence, and perhaps even value.
While most scientists have things they would like to get
around to publishing, I feel like I've accumulated a
particularly long list of research projects I need to push out. This summer and
fall I've actually had some time to dedicated to that. I've made a goodly dent,
but the list is still long, and new tasks and projects emerge like mosquitoes
from an abandoned hot tub.
I've published four good papers this year, another is ready
to go as soon as my coauthor has time to look at it, and a sixth just needs a
few final touches, and should be submitted in a week or two. Both of those
'full term' papers will, hopefully, come out next year. I think that's
pretty good considering I spent most of the last year on intensive teaching,
had a months-long battle with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, have moved my
family four times in the last year and a half, and have three children five and
under. There are days I wonder why I am so tired, and then there are days I
remember why I am so tired. And on those days, I don't feel the least bit bad
about keeping all those manuscripts, and coauthors, waiting.
Great post. It gives a picture of the life of a modern scientist. GML